
присъединил се: 14.11.2012
To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.. Las horas que pases, las horas del día, vos estàs leyendo conmigo sera
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★►◄★►◄★►◄★►◄I LOVE MY FRIEND AND ...►◄★►◄★►◄★►◄★



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 Para saber o quanto eu te amo.

Pode suportar dias sem falar com você,

mas não passar um único momento

sem pensar em você ...

beijo tubulação você os ama

um bilhão de vezes. LosAmigos


I Love Her...

I love her--
the purity of her spirit,
the endless kindness
of her being,
the gentleness in her touch,
the way her face lights up
when she smiles,
the unsurpassed radiance
in her eyes,
the way she looks at me,
and seems to see
deep within me to
a private place of beauty
that no one else ever noticed.
She knows me better
than anyone else
and she takes me
to a place where no one
has ever traveled,
a place of serenity
and light.
She reaches beyond my body
to the deepest area
of my spirit,
and the wind that
passes between our souls
is warm and eternal.
I'm lucky to know her.
I'm lucky to have her.
To think that she chose me
over any other,
takes my breath away.

Esos ojos tan bellos y

ptofundos como el mar

es imposible de dejarlos de

contemplar . 

Image result for imagenes de ojos bonitos

Mírame a los ojos querida

Que has pasado mucho tiempo sin hacerlo
Recuerdas aquellos días enterrados
Muy en el fondo de tus recuerdos
Que eran lo primero que mirabas por las mañanas
Lo último en mirar por las noches
Y donde navegabas siempre segura
Cuando te azotaba la tormenta de la desesperación…

No me bajes la mirada,
Eso no disimula el rubor de tus mejillas
Ni esconde que sabes de lo que hablo.
Besos par ti mi bella Dama.

    This single rose a symbol of
The love that's felt inside
A gift that is so special that
The heart just cannot hide
The love that someone feels when
This rose for you is brought
Is placed upon your table with the
Love that can't be bought
So take this symbol of this love
And wrap it deep inside
Who gives to you this blessed rose
Will in your heart reside.
