
присъединил се: 06.10.2007
✾◕‿◕✾...La paciencia es la fortaleza del débil y la impaciencia...La debilidad del fuerte...✾◕‿◕✾
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5 години 34 дни преди

♥^*^♥...Life without You...♥^*^♥

You know from the start...How much I love and care for you...
Since I have met you...I am longing for your love...
Which I know you have the same feeling for me too...

We have tried to be together...With so much love to bind us...
But what happened?...You were taken by someone ...
Who loves you too...The way I do...

Globe Flower 

Now that you are away from me...I tried to live on my own...
Though your thoughts keep coming ...Over and over hunting me...


But what can I do?...Just to let you know...
I still care and love you...And this will be forever...
'Till my last breath...

Pink Roses

I know it is not easy too...Being with her...Rather than me...
But that's life you didn't want...But forced you to be...
Since you're not that strong...
To wait for me....


Coming along to be with you...And live with you the way we wanted to be...Embracing the happiness our love will bring us...
If we are together.......


Pink Rose White Diamond flower with gold stem

♥^*^♥...Just Once...♥^*^♥


Just Once...
Let me look into your eyes...
Just Once...
Let me hold you in my arms...
Just Once...
Let me feel your arms around me...
Just Once...
Let me hold your hand in mine...
Just Once...
Let me smell the scent of your hair...
Just Once...
Let me feel your breath mix with mine...
Just Once...
Let me feel the softness of your lips...
Just Once...
Let you see me speak the words "I Love You"...
Just Once...
Let me see you speak the same to me...
My only wish is that you grant me these things...
And if you can't...
I will turn and reluctantly walk away...
But at least I will have looked at you...
With my own eyes...
Even if it was only...

Just Once...


♥^*^♥...WHAT I FELL FOR YOU...♥^*^♥


348f5657.gif Romantic Pictures image by amyjayne10


^*^How hard is it to know,how much i care. How hard is it to show to you that I'll always be there.^*^

^*^Can you not seethat you mean the world to me. Can you not understand that I'll always be there to hold your hand.^*^

^*^ I feel for youthe way I've felt for no other. You come first in my life before all of the others.^*^

^*^ You've always caredand never let me down. You've always been there even when i was down.^*^

^*^ The way you tickle mewhen i feel like crying. The way you smile at me
when i wish i was dieing.^*^

^*^ These things about youhave made me love you. The person you are is better from afar.^*^

^*^ Your not like most guys which i like very much. You have your own mind and you don't follow that bunch.^*^

^*^ So stay the wayou are at this very moment. And know that i will love you even after this moment!

glitter flower globe




♥^*^♥ I Will Never Forget You ♥^*^♥

you light my fire

^*^ You must have your reasons * For doing the things you do
By being silent and reclusive * Where I could not reach you ^*^


00010.gif Animated hearts image by erinlawhun

 ^*^ I kept trying to keep in touch * What was I supposed to do
As this year was almost over * I'm longing to hear from you ^*^

00010.gif Animated hearts image by erinlawhun

^*^ Remembering all we shared * Recollecting as I so often do
Yet I wonder if you are aware  * How much I am missing you ^*^

00010.gif Animated hearts image by erinlawhun

^*^ While I shall continue to write * I keep hoping you would too
But you do not need to doubt  * I know I will never forget you ^*^


00010.gif Animated hearts image by erinlawhun Besitos00010.gif Animated hearts image by erinlawhun


*^*^*Falling In And Out Of Love*^*^*


^*^...When I say I love you I do^^But this with you will not do^
I need someone I can lean on^Someone I can count on too...^*^

^*^...Yes you are th^ere sometimes^For that I am grateful to you^
But I need someone there full time^And that you can not do...^*^

^*^...You told me once you loved me^That I could believe in you^
I was there when you needed someone^Where were you when I needed someone^Too?...^*^

^*^...The time has come for me to let go^Never to expect you to care again^People may come and people may go^But my love will never end...^*^



