присъединил се: 21.04.2007
♫...é meu defeito eu bebo mesmo, beijo mesmo, pego mesmo, no outro dia nem me lembro, é tenso!...♫
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We wanna Justice in Gamedesire

We wanna JUSTICE! We would like to inform all the users about the injustice in the Spanish rooms. 90% of the Spanish Admins have been removed in almost all games. Everybody knows that the admin in charge was Alex (4LI3N_]V[@sT). He had been Admin since 2006 and had always offered his free time trying to organize a good team of Admins through these years. He and his team used to organize tournaments (UNIJUEGOS league), which no longer can offer fun and tournaments because the it has been shut down with no reasonable explanation. It’s known that Alex, your team and the players that used to help in the league have done their best to offer a friendly environment in all tournament rooms. There were 7 different tournaments with chips and Vip or Gold accounts to the winners, making it possible to the Spanish and Portuguese speakers to get to know each other and make new friends. It’s clear that all of them have been victims of a sad plot by those who does not know the meaning of the words respect and friendship. It’s amazing what people can do for power or envy. It’s believed that Brazilians and Spanish players have never been so close as they are now. We had an aim: the Brazilian and the Spanish communities to be friends, and to show the result of this union, both nationalities are together trying to show to those who don’t know or who have been deceived, the truth. We kindly ask for your help, specially for those who had the opportunity to know the Admins. It’s unfair that the responsible for GD chooses his admins by favoritism, forgetting those who have truly work for this site for years. SAY NO TO THE INJUSTICES.

Send your e-mails to: or (there are other addresses)

We deserve respect and this ways of abuse should be stopped!

 Admins removed: 4LI3N_]V[@sT, xKAR3N, ManuChile^, ]v[r_J4MESON, LEJANA01, DIANA363, *IB@RR@23*, mixito10, luisshock^, plopper3...