
registriert seit: 22.02.2017
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Benötigte Punkte: 16
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10 Stunden her
Bingo Star 354 Tage her
Bingo Star
Christmas Tree Clan362 Tage her
Christmas Tree Clan
Champagne glasses 1 Jahr her
Champagne glasses
Gift gnome 1 Jahr 8 Tage her
Gift gnome
Gingerbread Friend1 Jahr 11 Tage her
Gingerbread Friend
GD Santa 20231 Jahr 26 Tage her
GD Santa 2023
Apple Pie Clan1 Jahr 26 Tage her
Apple Pie Clan
Gloomy Glen Clan1 Jahr 54 Tage her
Gloomy Glen Clan
Scary Pumpkin 1 Jahr 60 Tage her
Scary Pumpkin
Huggy Bear 1 Jahr 82 Tage her
Huggy Bear
Bouquet of yellow tulips 1 Jahr 99 Tage her
Bouquet of yellow tulips
Silver "Legend" Anniversary1 Jahr 111 Tage her
Silver "Legend" Anniversary
Roses 1 Jahr 115 Tage her
Chemistry Clan1 Jahr 117 Tage her
Chemistry Clan
Lollipops 1 Jahr 145 Tage her
Kilimanjaro Clan1 Jahr 152 Tage her
Kilimanjaro Clan
17 birthday gift 1 Jahr 170 Tage her
17 birthday gift
Red beads, red as wine 1 Jahr 177 Tage her
Red beads, red as wine
Boat Clan1 Jahr 180 Tage her
Boat Clan
Lollipops 1 Jahr 201 Tage her
8 March - Let's celebrate! 1 Jahr 207 Tage her
8 March - Let's celebrate!