
Afiliado: 06/10/2007
✾◕‿◕✾...La paciencia es la fortaleza del débil y la impaciencia...La debilidad del fuerte...✾◕‿◕✾
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Puntos necesarios: 22
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5 años 35 días hace


^*Each painful day I live seems to have no end..All from that heart filled letter you couldn't comprehend..That one day you turned and walked away..'Cause I finally decided to put my heart on display*^

^*Each day that passes by..It kills me deep inside..The smile on my face protects the pain in which I hide..My heart will forever bleed..No matter the months that go by..And every time I see you my heart will break down and cry*^

^*You said you cared..You said you wiould wait..And you always will loved me..When all I wanted was for you not to let me be free.. Now that I'm free..I realized you completed my heart..I love you so much..I can't breathe when we're apart*^

^*I was so hurt in the past..I was too scared to let you in..And now I just lost the greatest thing that could have been.. I'm so sorry for all the pain you felt but I'm thankful for your ways that made me melt*^

^*So..I've learned now that love won't wait..But I've learned this all much too late..Wishing to turn back time so my heart never lied..When I kept my love for you locked deep inside*^

^*I love you deeply and that's all there is left to say..I will always be here for you... Every painful day*^


^*I could see it in his eyes...How much he cared and loved
I could feel it on my fingertips...How much he wanted me to kiss him on his tender lips*^

^*But now I’m gone and I’ll never return...You are asking yourself...Why you gave up too soon...You never knew what you had was special...Until you lost it...And understood that you had to be thankful*^

^*Here is a message for you my love...The one you waited for all those years...Can be standing in front of you...
You just have to realize...Or whatever you had will slip away too fast*^

^*And when you do...It would be too late...Then you will worry...What else you are going to get...The person you love will walk away...And you will never see real life again*^

^*The nights will be so difficult...The days will be so long and too hard to handle...You will continue living your life
Hurting yourself, and the one you left behind*^

^*And so before it’s too late...Open your heart to a new beginning...Let the person know how much you care...
Dont close yourself to a chance that you had to take*^


^*...My thoughts are with you tonight although..* ..*We are miles apart...*^

^*...The distance only embeds my love
for you deep within my lonely heart...*^

^*...To understand this feeling..* ..*That I cannot ask you to do..*However..* ..*Please have compassion for me..*
..*And this love I have for you...^*

^*...My sadness is for not being near enough to prove this is real..* ..*Yet a feeling of happiness for knowing that one day..* ..*I will get to share with you
the tenderness I feel...*^

^*...As I lay here my body aches for your nearness..*
..*I long for the sound of your voice..*..*And the touch
of your skin next to mine...*^

^*...Just to see your face..* ..*And to feel your warm embrace..* ..*Would take away all that time has given..*
..*And make this life of mine worth living


^*Your touch is with me always...It’s burnt into my skin...
As soft and warm as sun rays
When a summer day sets in*^

^*Your soft voice never silent...It’s forever in my ears...
Serenading every moment...
And calming all my fears*^

^*Your arms always enfold me...The strength of angels wings...They support and protect me wholly...
With the safety a true love brings*^

^*While I can never repay you...For the wonder you bring to my life...I can forever be near you...
And Forever Be The True Love In Your Lilfe*^


^*..To love is to share life together..To build special plans just for two..To work side by side and then smile with pride
as one by one Dreams all come true..*^

^*..To love is to help and encourage with smiles and sincere words of praise..To take time to share
to listen and care in tender..Affectionate ways..*^

^*..To love is to have someone special..One who you can always depend..To be there through the years
sharing laughter and tears..
As a partner..A lover...A friend..*^

^*..To love is to make special memories..Of moments you love to recall..Of all the good things that sharing life brings..
Love is the greatest of all..*^

^*..I’ve learned the full meaning of sharing and caring..
And having my dreams all come true..
I’ve learned the full meaning of being in love
by being and loving with you..*^