
Nous a rejoint: 2009-02-25
Fericirea nu constă în a avea mult, ci în a fi mulţumit cu puţin. - Marguerite Blessington
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Points nécessaires: 127
Dernier jeu


2 années 39 jours il y a

Cyber Love (dragostea virtuala) copy-paste

Cyber Love (dragostea virtuala) copy-paste


Iubire pe Internet? “Da, de ce nu?!” spun unii. “Da' de unde! Iubirea e vie, nu poate naviga asa, in voia Internetului!”, contesta altii. O noua controversa! Oricare ar fi adevarul (probabil, pe undeva pe la mijloc), noi ne-am hotarat sa analizam iubirea online – altfel spus, cyber-love.

In epoca de gratie a facerii lumii, cand s-o fi gandit Creatorul sa aduca un pic mai multa adrenalina in viata muritorilor daruindu-le sentimentul iubirii, medium sa fi fost si tot nu i-ar fi trecut prin minte ca, peste sute de mii de ani, o sumedenie de oameni se vor iubi virtual... Cand, unde? In mileniul 3, intr-un nou univers numit Internet a venit pe lume cyber-love – iubirea virtuala. Si o noua istorie a inceput sa se scrie... 

V-ati intrebat vreodata de cand exista iubire intre oameni? Eu, una, cred ca a aparut o data cu omul. Probabil ca un antropol
og, fin cunoscator al stilului primitiv de viata al stramosilor nostri preistorici m-ar contrazice, dar, cum omul, fara sentimente, nu e om, inclin sa cred ca in desenele rupestre in care primii oameni si-au manifestat inclinatiile artistice trebuie sa fie ilustrata cumva si fericirea din dragoste sau suferinta iubirii neimpartasite. 

tatea a exploatat dragostea sub toate formele (ei, poate ca unele practici de budoar se inscriu la categoria descoperiri erotice recente), nedispretuind nici iubirea intre persoane de acelasi sex. In Evul Mediu daca ar fi prevestit cineva iubirea cyber, rugul Inchizitiei il pastea! “Erezie!” Daca ar fi stiut Romeo si Julieta, in plina Renastere, ca vor ajunge oamenii sa-si arate iubirea nu prin serenade sau scrisorele de amor parfumate, ci prin e-mail, pe chat sau forumuri, ei, bine, Shakespeare (in love, desigur!) ar fi tanjit sa se reincarneze, ca ar fi avut ce sa scrie, slava Domnului! 

Si iata ca tocmai in secolul XX, dupa ce doua razboaie mondiale zguduie istoria umanitat
ii, curentul Flower Power indeamna tinerii sa iubeasca sub deviza Make love, not war! (Faceti dragoste, nu razboi!). Secolul vitezei se incheie cu o fulminanta ascensiune a sectorului IT & C (Information Technology & Communication), dupa care vine pe lume si Internetul. O data cu userul, navigheaza si vorbe de duh, emotii, si sentimente si, astfel, noua tehnologie se umanizeaza tot mai mult pe zi ce trece – nu degeaba se spune ca “omul sfinteste locul”. 

De la facerea Internet
ului incoace ne iubim (si) virtual; nu mai putin intens, ci la un alt nivel. Navigam scrutand catralioane de pixeli, ne bate inima in hopuri cand “cade” conexiunea la Internet, sfidam preturile la dial-up – ca doar ce nu face indragostitul cand ii falfaie fluturi prin stomac – totul pentru o conversatie chatuita cu iubirea vietii noastre, intalnita in navigatiile nocturne, cine stie, poate intr-un moment de naufragiu... La serviciu, in pauza de masa, ne savuram gustarea la o tacla pe messenger sau MSN, condimentata din plin cu smiley-uri zambarete, inimoase, saltarete, triste, ba chiar plangacioase in momente de restriste.

Could i have this kiss forever..

Over and over I look in your eyes
you are all I desire
you have captured me
I want to hold you
I want to be close to you
I never want to let go
I wish that this night would never end
I need to know 

Could I hold you for for a lifetime
Could I look into your eyes
Could I have this night to share this night together
Could I hold you close beside me
Could I hold you for all time
Could I could I have this kiss forever
Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever

Over and over I've dreamed of this night
Now you're here by my side
You are next to me
I want to hold you and touch you taste you
And make you want no one but me
I wish that this kiss could never end
oh baby please

Could I hold you for a lifetime
Could I look into your eyes
Could I have this night to share this night together
Could I hold you close beside me
Could I hold you for all time
Could I could I have this kiss forever
Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever

I don't want any night to go by
Without you by my side
I just want all my days
Spent being next to you
Lived for just loving you
And baby, oh by the way

Could I hold you for a lifetime
Could I look into your eyes
Could I have this night to share this night together
Could I hold you close beside me
Could I hold you for all time
Could I have this kiss forever
Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever

An angel..angel voice..



I wish I had your pair of wings
Had them last night in my dreams
I was chaising buterflies
Till the sunrise broke my eyes

Tonight the sky has glued my eyes
Cause what they see's an angel hive
I've got to touch that magic star
And greet the angels in their hive

Sometimes I wish I were an angel
Sometimes I wish I were you
Sometimes I wish I were an angel
Sometimes I wish I were you

All the sweet honey from above
Pour it all over me sweet love
While you're flying around my head
Your honey kisses keep me fed

I wish I had your pair of wings
Just like last night in my dreams
I was lost in paradise
Wish I'd never opened my eyes

Sometimes I wish I were an angel
Sometimes I wish I were you
Sometimes I wish I were an angel
Sometimes I wish I were you

But there's danger in the air
Tryin' so hard to be unfair
Danger's in the air
Tryin' so hard to give us a scare
But were not afraid

Sometimes I wish I were an angel
Sometimes I wish I were you
Sometimes I wish I were an angel
Sometimes I wish I were you

Wish I were you
Oh I wish I were you

Close to you....


I can't sleep at night
Starin' at the phone
Knowin' you are not alone

She is right there by your side
I'm tryin' just to hide
All the things I feel inside

I can sense the chemistry
When you're standin' close to me
I feel like a ship that's lost at sea

It's gettin' harder to ignore
It's not like anything before
I know it's crazy baby but I want more

I wish I could be close to you
And feel your every move
Never meant to feel this way
Maybe you would come around one day

I wish I could be close to you
To feel your every touch
Cause the sky won't heal the way I feel
Heaven knows I've wanted it so much
(Wanted it so much)

(Wanted it so much)

mmm yeyey

I've wished that
I could be
So close to you

I'm the one to blame
Tryin' to explain
Why I would cause myself such pain

Your heart is occupied
I tried to turn the tide
But time was never on my side

I can sense the chemistry
When you're standin' close to me
I feel like a ship that's lost at sea

It's gettin' harder to ignore
It's not like anything before
I know it's crazy baby but I want more

I wish I could be close to you
And feel your every move
Never meant to feel this way
Maybe you would come around one day

I wish I could be close to you
To feel your every touch
Cause the sky won't heal the way I feel
Heaven knows I've wanted it so much

I wanna to feel your every touch
I wanna be so close to you
I want you to feel this way
Feel this way
Feel the way I do



Close to you

Close to you

Close to you

Heyeyeyeyey Hey oh heaven