
Looking for: friendship, entertainment
הצטרף: 10/04/2019
Láska a dobří přátelé jsou oporou a štěstím v našem životě.
Next level: 
Points needed: 130
Last game
Shark attack

Shark attack

Winning with Wild Shark for the 50th time.

לפני 125 ימים
Me, myself and I

Me, myself and I

נקודות: 7

Profile completion higher than 50% (assigned on first day of the month, only if player was active in games).

לפני 155 ימים
Harvest time

Harvest time

Visiting Abandoned Farm for the first time

לפני 170 ימים
Me, myself and I

Me, myself and I

נקודות: 7

Profile completion higher than 50% (assigned on first day of the month, only if player was active in games).

לפני 186 ימים