
lid geworden: 06-10-2007
✾◕‿◕✾...La paciencia es la fortaleza del débil y la impaciencia...La debilidad del fuerte...✾◕‿◕✾
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Benodigde punten: 22
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5 jaren 34 dagen geleden

^*^((Before I was a Mom))^*^



Before I was a Mom
I slept as late as I wanted and never worried about how late I got into bed...I brushed my hair and my teeth everyday...

glitter roses

Before I was a Mom
Icleaned my house each day... I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby...I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous... I never thought about immunizations...




Before I was a Mom
I had never been puked on - Pooped on - Spit on - Chewed on...Or Peed on... I had complete control of my mind and My thoughts... I slept all night...


red roses


Before I was a Mom
I never held down a screaming child so that doctors could do tests...Or give shots... I never looked into teary eyes and cried...I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin... I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep...



Before I was a Mom
I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put it down...I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt... I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much... I never knew that I could love someone so much. ..I never knew I would love being a Mom...

Rose images, rose scraps, rose day wishes for Orkut, Myspace

Before I was a Mom
I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body..I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby..I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child...I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important...

Before I was a Mom
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay... I had never known The warmth..The joy..The love...The heartache...The wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom... I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much...

...Before I was a Mom...


red roses

thank you roses

glitter roses

happy mother's day



Orkut Scraps - I Love You


^*You walked into my Life,When my world was dark and cold,
You held out your arms, And my heart and soul you did hold*^

Orkut Scraps - Kisses


^*You promised you would never leave, That you would always be there,
I never knew that I meant so much,That my heart was worth enough to care*^

Orkut Scraps - I Love You

^*You showed me so many things, I started to dream of you every night,
You melted the coldness in my heart, With the warmth of your light*^

Orkut Scraps - Kisses


^*I ended up falling for you, How could I not -
You're an Angel in disguise, And every touch from you makes my soul hot*^

Orkut Scraps - I Love You

^*But then you told me it's not the same. For you only think of me as a friend,I cannot understand this, The wrong messages you did send*^

Orkut Scraps - Kisses

^*I never knew you bought your friend flowers, and touched them like a lover,I never knew you held your friends hand and caressed them under the covers*^

Orkut Scraps - I Love You

^*I am so far, I cannot turn back now, You are My Best friend,
So what do I do now. I don't know much, Except here I am again
in Love with another man who only wants to be my friend*^

Orkut Scraps - Kisses

^*I'm not sure if this is wrong, Then again I don't know what's right,
I will Love You Anyways, Even if its a lonely fight*^


Orkut Scraps - I Love You

*^*^*My Other Half*^*^*




^*^I appear whole on the outside...But within I am so broken...
There's a piece of me that's been missing....
My other half, my voice of reason^*^

I Love You - Red Hearts

^*^I try to clap but there's only one hand...I try to run, but with one leg I dare not stand...My eyes are open, but I cannot see...
Because my other half is not next to me^*^


*^I reach out at nights but there's no one to hold...I touch your side of bed and it feels so cold...I sit down to a meal but I can barely eat...
Because the purpose of sharing has faced defeat^*^

I Love You - Red Hearts

^But I have faith that one day complete I will be...'Cause my other half is out there searching for me...If only for a moment I can get him next to me...
I will make sure my other half fits me perfectly^*^





  Greenreflection-1.gif picture by Ftworthblewbird

 *^Sitting in the dark..Moonbeams on my face
The arrow hit its mark
Feeling so alone..feel so out of place..*^
myspace | dividers | myspace dividers
^*Desperately seeking answers but no one to ask..
Life now sems to be an ill-burdened task..
Helplessly wearing my heart on my sleeve..
Constantly praying that this pain would soon leave..*^
myspace | dividers | myspace dividers
^*Drops of Sadness falling from my eyes..
Broken dreams covering the blackened skies..
Wanting to run so far..Far away
Wishing that Oblivion would greet the dawning day..*^
myspace | dividers | myspace dividers 
^*Thinking back on the time gone by..
Wondering exactly where things went awry..
Detesting that I just could not see..
That I am the one who brought this affliction upon me..*^
myspace | dividers | myspace dividers
^*Desiring so much to just move on..
Wanting so badly for the pain to be gone..
Hoping endlessly that I could just forget you..
Realizing at last..Nothing you said was ever true..*^
myspace | dividers | myspace dividers
^*Quietly questioning why it had to be me..
Did I really deserve your cold cruelty?
Sitting alone with my thoughts tearing me apart..
Why did you aim your arrow straight at my heart?

ILoveyou.gif picture by Ftworthblewbird

♥*♥...SOUL MATE...♥*♥

...My love for you is an endless feeling...Too hard to describe...It has too much meaning...


...from the ups and downs to the sarcastic smiles...
Our happiness is like a river that goes on for miles...

Orkut Scraps - Small Images

...Our attitude’s clash worries fuel our rage...
Think of it as a book simply turn to the next page...

Orkut Scraps - Small Images
...If our future unites us makes us stronger in time...
We must worktogether as a team we will shine... 

Orkut Scraps - Small Images

...We have to remember that trust is the key...
It needs to be earned because nothing is free...


Orkut Scraps - I Love You

...Through the thick and the thin i am sure we will find...
That alone we are nothing together...We are one of a kind...


hearts.gif hearts and roses image by cris-bonfim

Orkut Comentarios - RosesOrkut Comentarios - Roses

hearts.gif hearts and roses image by cris-bonfim