
lid geworden: 06-10-2007
✾◕‿◕✾...La paciencia es la fortaleza del débil y la impaciencia...La debilidad del fuerte...✾◕‿◕✾
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Benodigde punten: 22
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5 jaren 35 dagen geleden


^*^You are everything I'll ever need To make my life complete. Since you came into my life My every dream has come true. I'll never love anyone As much as I love you^*^

^*^You are the light when there is darkness Shining brightly through your eyes. Yours are the arms I want to hold me Through all of my nights^*^

^*^My heart belongs to you only The one true love in my life.Our souls are intertwinedTo always be like one^*^

^*^May your every need be fulfilled Without ever a question. May every sadness you have ever feltTurn into a smile^*^

^*^Unselfishly I give myself to you Never with hesitation Because you and only you For always will be, My Partner, My Lover, My Friend My Everything. Feel the love without ever a doubt It is yours for a lifetime^*^


^*^I wish so much that I could hold you..A simple desire, Yet so hard to do.This is a love so hopeless, But yet,
As hard as I try, I can not forget^*^

^*^I want to move on, I try every day,To get a grip on these feelings and throw them away.But everyday I pathetically remain,Adoring you amazingly with nothing to gain^*^

^*^I want to let go of what I’m holding so tight,And let these feelings trail off into the night,But as soon as my hold loosens, I grab and don’t missBecause I don’t know how to feel anything but this^*^

^*^I’ve become dependent on these feelings, That I feel every day,Without them I’m lost and my hopes are astray.So now I don’t know how to live on my own,Without thoughts of you, I’ll be so alone^*^

^*^I want to get over you, But you’ve changed me too much,All I want is to hold you and grasp on and clutch,Because you are the one. I don’t want to let go.You’re everything I need, you’re all that I know^*^

^*^I tried to move on, That’s something I can’t do,But no matter what I think, I only want you.I just need some time, When I can, I’ll move on,I’ll face life without you when I am strong^*^

^*^But for now I just can’t, That’s way to tough,I didn’t know falling out of love could be so rough^*^

^*^A LESSON^*^

^*^I've learned a lot of lessons..In the short time I have lived..I've learned how to appreciate..
And I've learned how to give^*^

^*^But in these past few months..There's two I'll remember most..I've learned how to love..
And I've learned to let go^*^

^*^You entered my life with such a force..And left it with one as strong..And though we tried to make it last..
We both knew it wouldn't be long^*^

^*^I lie at night and think about..How I'm the one to blame..
If only I would have trusted you..
I could have missed this pain^*^

^*^And so I spent each day of my life..With my heart in pieces..And when I thought it could never be cured..
Something happened; I expected it least^*^

^*^I guess my soul was all cried out..And it was tired of being used..And even though I know I'm guilty..
I was tired of being accused^*^

^*^And so I've learned to end this..Without an urge to cry..
These are my final words to you^*^
^*^..I love you and goodbye..^*^

^*^Thy Gentle Touch^*^

^*^Thy gentle words hold mine heart a prisoner my love.
As I feel your breath gently caressing my soul I shiver!^*^

^*^As my eyes gaze upon the many wonders of thy silken bodythe urge I have to hold and love you,
the urge I have to touch your soul is wondrous indeed^*^

^*^Thy warmth and passion fills my soul and completes me.
The warm caress of thy hands and the gentle whispers of thy voicebrings out wondrous longings deep within me^*^

^*^Lost in thine eyes am I as they instill words of love unto mine heart. When I dream of thee my soul longs to be one with thee andto feel the warmth of thy body next to mine^*^

^*^Our love is liken unto a delicate whisper soft and sweet.
I have drank of thy passions and drunk am I with desires of thee.My heart and my soul I give unto thee freely my love^*^

^*^Thy soft sweet voice stirs a thirst within me only ye shall quench. When thy longings reach out to me they guide me into thy worldWhere all my dreams are fulfilled^*^

^*^Thy gentle touch has penetrated the very depths of mine Soul^*^


^*^Que lindo es ser mujer y andar sin apuros disfrutando del sol y los días nublados, Gozar de la lluvia, Respirar el aire puro,
Sentir la calma en los momentos agitados^*^

^*^Y si estoy cansada miro el cielo estrellado, Dios está en el cielo yo lo he sentido. Le pido en silencio, Con mi corazón callado,Yo sé que Él me protege y escucha mi pedido^*^

^*^Dios no me dio fuerza, Pero sí fortaleza. Soy una guerrera y lucho por los que amo. Puedo enfrentar los problemas con toda entereza, Siempre estar presente cuando alguien me llama^*^

^*^Madre, Hija, Mujer, Amiga en mi puedes confiar, Siempre estoy dispuesta, Te puedo aconsejar. Quizás no quite tu pena, Pero ayudo a razonar. Disfruto tu alegría y en las malas no te voy a dejar^*^

^*^Una mujer con principios que siempre ayudará, Quiando tus pasos para poderte llevar. Quizás no sea perfecta tampoco la ideal,Demuestro ser grande mostrando mi humildad^*^

^*^Con la sonrisa extensa y tierna mi mirada, Para los necesitados mi mano esta tendida. Por la gente que quiero me siento muy honrada, Porque siempre en la vida fui muy agradecida^*^

^*^El privilegio agradezco de ser una mujer. Nosotras damos vida mucho antes de nacer. La idea que nos define es la palabra amor,Y llenas de ternura, Somos creación de Dios^*^