
lid geworden: 16-10-2008
Αν λιγο μ'αγαπας? Να εισαι εκει...Αγαπη της ζωης μου... ♥ Αγαπη δυνατη ♥
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Benodigde punten: 54

Broken Heart ....

This love is called one in a million.
Everything we feel for each other,
is real there's no denying that.
It's not called an abbreviation,
when You really mean it.


Sometimes  Your  nearness  takes  my  breath away; 

and  all  the  things  I  want to say can find no voice. 

Then,  in silence,  I can only hope my eyes will speak my heart..



„Isn't Finding Someone You Can
"Live With"
It's Finding Someone You Can't
"Live Without"






You lit my life and I held both Your hands.
Now that decades have passed,
Ours souls have indeed become one.

How fortunate we are
that we have found
the love so true
that everyone dreams about.


The greatest gift we can possibly give to another is

a portion of ourselves


Only from the heart

You can touch the sky


Love is like the Ocean,
it ebbs and flows.
The Ocean is never full of water

and the heart is never full of love.



If I know what love is, it is because of You. Don’t spend Your life looking for love. Love will always find You


When You realize You want
to spend the rest of Your life
with somebody, You want
the rest of Your life to start
as soon as possible.


Immature love says I love You because I need You.
Mature love says I need You because I love You.


True love is eternal,
infinite and always like itself.

It is equal and pure,

without violent demonstration

it is seen with white hairs and is always young in the heart.



You don’t love a woman
because she is beautiful,
she is beautiful because
You love her


True love is like ghost, which everyone talks about and few have seen it


For You see, each day

I love You more

Today more than yesterday

And less than tomorrow


You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly.


Love is like a violin.
The music may stop now and then
but the strings remain forever


There are just so many words
But I can't find one that's perfectly true.
I have said lots of I love you
Have given you lots of kisses and hugs
I have given you my all
But still those are just not enough.
You're the only one I desire
You're the only one in my heart
Through good and bad times
Nothing can keep us apart.


You are the stars in my night time,
You are the blue sky in my day,
You are the water in my ocean,
You are the light showing me the way,
You are the sunshine in my eyes,
You are the wind blowing through my hair,
You are the beating in my heart,
You are my life - You're always there.



When You kiss
These lips of mine
Memories come back
of moments divine
Let's kiss once more darling
and make our love never-ending


Love is like playing the piano.
First You must learn to play by the rules,

they You must forget the rules and play from Your heart.




Falling in love is when
she falls asleep
in Your arms
and wakes up
in Your dreams



Real love begins where nothing
is expected in return



If I could have just one wish,
I would wish to wake up everyday
to the sound of Your breath on my neck,
the warmth of Your lips on my cheek,
the touch of  Your fingers on my skin,
and  the feel of  Your heart beating with mine...
Knowing that

I could never find that feeling
with anyone other than You.



As long as there is love, I will cherish you.

As long as there is life, I will love you.

As long as the stars shine above, I will want you.

As long as there are waves in the ocean, I will need you.

As long as there is heaven above, there will always be my love.



Love can sometimes be fresh. Love can sometimes be new.
Love can sometimes make you happy.
And sometimes make you blue.
Love is the light that radiates from your eyes.
Love is your image floating in the skies. Love is true.
And darling, the only love for me is you.



Tonight... ...look up at the sky
and try to count the stars.
If you succeed, I would congratulate you.
If you fail, Accept that you can never
gauge my endless love for you.



Not all conspiracies are bad As I found out myself
When our hearts and nature worked in unison
to ensnare us into a sweet trap.
Two hearts came together, two souls united
And something was born.



The night was made for romance.
In the night our two hearts dance.
Under the stars our lips touch.
In the garden your embrace means so much.

The night was made for love.
Our hearts cooing like a white dove.
Your eyes sparkling like diamonds so white.
I love you darling with all my might.

The night was made for caring and trust.
And darling, God made this night for us.



I wrote your name in the sky,

but the wind blew it away.

I wrote your name in the sand,

but the waves washed it away.

I wrote your name in my heart,

and forever it will stay.



You came to my jaded life
and gave it a new meaning
Immerse me in Your love
and make me forget everything


Without You by my side
Nothing tastes the same
So, I am waiting to be
with You again


My days in Your arms
My night in Your dreams
That's what I need My Love
Nothing else matters to me


A true relationship
sees the first tears …
catches the second …
and stops the third …
Side by side
or miles apart …
You are always
Close to my heart …





Relationship is a Promise
Made in the heart
Unbreakable By Distance
Unchangeable By time …



If Your asking if I need You
The answer is forever
If Your asking if I’ll leave You
The answer is never
If Your asking what I value
The answer is You
If You’re asking If I love You
The answer is I do


If I could give You one thing in life
I would give You the ability
to see Yourself through my eyes, only then would You realize
how special You are





Nothing is the same as before ......