
Adăugat: 07.03.2010
Life is the most common disease transmissible through sex!
Puncte16mai mult
Nivelul următor: 
Puncte necesare: 184
Ultimul joc jucat
Poker Omaha

Poker Omaha

Poker Omaha
6 ani 14 zile în urma

Activitatea de joc:

Poker Omaha

Poker Omaha

Joc CompletCredite Câştigate
Jackpot Poker
Welcome to MoneyLand
First Victory
First Battle


Cadouri: 2


Ceva despre persoana mea

Despre mine
The sheet you hear about me might be true...then again , it could be as fake...as the bitc..h who told you :)
Interesat/ă de
Filmele favorite
Muzica favorita
No music
No life!!!
Cărţile favorite
Lucruri care-mi plac
Lucruri care nu-mi plac
