
Adăugat: 06.10.2007
✾◕‿◕✾...La paciencia es la fortaleza del débil y la impaciencia...La debilidad del fuerte...✾◕‿◕✾
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5 ani 35 zile în urma

^*^Will you ever?^*^

^*^I don't think you will ever fully understand
how you've touched my life
and made me who I am^*^

^*^I don't think you could ever know just how truly special you are that even on the darkest nights
you are my brightest star^*^

^*^I don't think you will ever fully comprehend how you've made my dreams come true or how you've opened my heart
to love and the wonders it can do^*^

^*^You've allowed me to experience something very hard to find unconditional love that exists
in my Body, Soul, And Mind^*^

^*^I don't think you could ever feel all the love I have to give
and I'm sure you'll never realize
you've been my will to live^*^

^*^You are an amazing person and without you I don't know where I'd be. Having you in my life
completes and fulfills every part of me^*^

^*''MY FEAR''*^

^*..Hiding behind these walls of stone..Are the words I never said..Bottled up inside me
I kept them in my head..*^

^*..I know I should have told you..How you make me feel
Now I see the pain I've caused myself
I've created a wound that cannot heal..*^

^*..I've tried to say it..So many times that I've lost track
The numbness inside me
Has often held me back...*^

^*..I've loved you for so long..I've tried to let you know
But I know that I'll be ridiculed
If I let my feelings show..*^

^*..I wish I wasn't afraid..Wish I could let you see
Just how much I care for you
But then would you accept me?..*^


^*^Why does it have to hurt inside?Why do I have to cry each night?...I think I have to walk on by...
Cuz I'm starting to lose my sight...^*^

^*^What is it that changed your mind?...Who is it that keeps you blind? Why did you change so fast?
Did you really have to leave me behind?^*^

^*^I start to think about all we had..And how it turned this way...I guess I'll have to leave your side..
And turn my face away...^*^

^*^Although my soul will die...Although my heart will cry...
I've got nothing else to do...
I'm hurt deep inside^*^

^*^But although I'll leave your side...You'll be always on my mind...My heart and soul will ache for you...
Every day and every night...^*^

^*^You're my never-ending love...The love that keeps me alive...You're the one I'll love forever...
Although it hurts inside...^*^

^*^GOOD BYE^*^

^*^At first when we met...We said hi...
Now we're still friends...
But we've said goodbye^*^

^*^I gave you a chance...And you rejected...
You said it's not good right now...
And you stand corrected^*^

^*^You see what you've lost...At least I hope you do...
You see what others can have...
But not you^*^

^*^I don't mean to sound conceited...Or vain in any way...
I'm just merely pointing out...
What you had, and threw away^*^

^*^I liked you a lot...I honestly did...
But did you feel the same?...
Were there feelings you hid?^*^

^*^If you had feelings for me...You didn't show it...
Because things are over now...
And I didn't know it^*^

^*^If you didn't have feelings...Then why did you say so...
When the only person you trust...Lies...
Then where do you go?^*^

^*^I just wanted to say...Thought you needed to know...
These feelings I have...
Need to be let go^*^


^*...What Is Love...But an emotion...So strong and so pure...
That nurtured and shared with another...
All tests it will endure?...^*

^*...What Is Love...But a force...To bring the mighty low...
With the strength to shame the mountains...
And halt time’s ceaseless flow?...*^

^*...What Is Love...But a triumph...A glorious goal attained...
The union of two souls...Two hearts...
A bond the angels have ordained?...^*

^*...What Is Love...But a champion...To cast the tyrant from his throne...And raise the flag of truth and peace...
And fear of death o’erthrow?...*^

^*...What Is Love...But a beacon...To guide the wayward heart...A blazing light upon the shoals...
That dash cherished dreams apart?...*^

^*...And What Is Love...But forever...Eternal and sincere...A flame that through wax and wane...
Will outlive life’s brief years?...*^

^*...So I’ll tell it on the mountaintops...In all places high and low...That love for you is my reason to be...
And will never break or bow...*^