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 Sigueme a lo eterno perdonado
el pasado y su pesado equipaje
abordemos la barca de "La Verdad"
para navegar el amr de "La Felicidad"
entrégate a lo laboral sobre ti, en ti,
conmigo y con fe vibremos al unison
con laenergía infinita del amor.
!Sigueme! unidos somos mas poderosos
que la fuerza luminosa del sol, el fuego
divino de Dios està encendido en tu corazòn
y el mío elevàndonos en el blanco Pegazo de
"La Paz" por el cielo del "Despertar"
toma mi mano y déjate guiar por tu
intuiciòn para recorder el camino.....
desde el origen de los tiempos hasta
el regreso a los campos celestiales.
Todo es sagrado cada Segundo de la existencia es sagrado
!sigueme para crear la obra maestro de nuestras vidas!
el amor danza al ritmo de las olas en esta nueva era,
la compassion universal se instala en cada una
de nuestra células, un rayo cristalino y puro
fluye por tu vida y la mia para....
!renacer cada dia!!
CADEAU POUR aigleange
Tube bratz
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☾⋱L⋰☽☾⋱P⋰☽I Love Animal☾⋱L⋰☽☾⋱P⋰☽

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Your schedule Now revolves around an animal
Remember how you could go get drinks with your friends
after work or randomly take a weekend road trip at a moment's notice?
Not anymore! Now you have to make sure you're home every few hours
to take him out or the only thing you'll be able to think about is him sitting
by the door while Sarah McLaughlin softly plays in the background.
The cost and planning of trips significantly goes up because you've got
 to get him up a sitter or you have to board him.
Now you're going to spend the next two days looking up
Yelp reviews for dog hotels and try to find one that isn't more expensive
than a luxury resort, but also isn't going to toss your dog into
a cage like some sort of dog detention center.
Funny, Awful Things Dogs Do
You won't sleep
Buying a dog as a gift for someone seems like a very sweet gesture,
but in reality you're about to change their life for years to come.
Sure a puppy is adorable and they're great to snuggle with,
but there are numerous downfalls that no one wants to talk about.
Here are the 12 worst things no one tells you about having a dog.
 Everyone wants a puppy because they're so tiny and cute,
but in reality you've pretty much adopted a hairy, newborn baby.
You have to constantly take them outside so they don't cover
every square inch of your house in urine while hiding
anything that he's going to chew through and murder himself.
On top of all that, he has no sleep schedule so enjoy trying
to explain to your boss that you're so tired because your Boston Terrier
hasn't learned to control his bladder yet.
The 12 Worst Things No One Tells You About Having...: The 12 Worst Things No One Tells You About Having A Dog

Buying a dog as a gift for someone seems like a very sweet gesture,

but in reality you're about to change their life for years to come.

Sure a puppy is adorable and they're great to snuggle with,

but there are numerous downfalls that no one wants to talk about.

Here are the 12 worst things no one tells you about having a dog.

Funny, Awful Things About Owning A DogFunny, Awful Things About Owning A Dog
Funny, Awful Things Dogs Do
They're going to wreck your furniture

You think you're going to strictly enforce a "no dogs on the furniture" rule,

but as soon as you walk out of the room he's going to be lounged out across your sectional.

So you're either going to see the corners of your furniture slowly chewed to bits

or a giant indention in the middle of your sofa outlined in hair

where an animal has been sleeping 8 hours every day while you were at work.

Funny, Awful Things Dogs Do

Funny, Awful Things Dogs Do

Funny, Awful Thing About Owning A Dog

If your dog gets fleas, you might as well burn your house down

Here's how the process works of your dog getting fleas:

Your dog gets them and you treat them on your dog.

But now you have them in your carpet and on your furniture,

so you have to treat everything in order to keep them from coming back.

That means if you miss one thing you have to start the whole process over

and if your dog is getting them from your yard you have officially entered the

deepest circle of hell and your home is no longer your own.

You live in the flea's house now. You are an eternal guest.


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(¯´•.(¯´•.....(¯´•..Beijo Misto MMM!!..•´´¯)*..•´´¯)

beijosO beijoTesãoBeijo apaixonado

The Kiss

Are you shaken, are you stirred
By a whisper of love,
Spellbound to a word
Does Time cease to move,
Till her calm grey eye
Expands to a sky
And the clouds of her hair
Like storms go by?

Then the lips that you have kissed
Turn to frost and fire,
And a white-steaming mist
Obscures desire:
So back to their birth
Fade water, air, earth,
And the First Power moves
Over void and dearth.

Is that Love? no, but Death,
A passion, a shout,
The deep in-breath,
The breath roaring out,
And once that is flown,
You must lie alone,
Without hope, without life,
Poor flesh, sad bone.




The Kiss

How many years I must have yearned
for someone's lips against mind.
Pheromones, newly born, were floating
between us. There was hardly any air.

He kissed me again, reaching that place
that sends messages to toes and fingertips,
then all the way to something like home.
Some music was playing on its own.

Nothing like a woman who knows
to kiss the right thing at the right time,
then kisses the things she's missed.
How had I ever settled for less?

I was thinking this is intelligence,
this is the wisest tongue
since the Oracle got into a Greek's ear,
speaking sense. It's the Good,

defining itself. I was out of my mind.
            He was in. We'll married as soon as we could.

                      What do you think?                       


Beijo misto

Kisse me

Beijos beijos

