
état des relations: single
Intéressé par: femmes
Je recherche: amitié, célibataire, divertissement
Zodiac sign: Poissons
Anniversaire: 1992-02-20
Nous a rejoint: 2022-04-12
If someone ignores your questions, be very careful, they aren't ever going to be honest with you. Just play along with them.
Niveau suivant: 
Points nécessaires: 45

A propos de moi

à propos de moi
Outgoing, very fit, somewhat intelligent, not bashful.
Good wine, good scotch, good food and the company of a good inspiring sexy woman.
Ce que j’aime
Beautiful sexy hot intelligent women.
Ce que je n’aime pas
Stupidity, people who ignore questions asked to them and people that mistreat animals.
