
Situazione Sentimentale: single
Mi piacciono: Donna
In cerca di: amici, svago
Zodiac sign: Capricorno
Compleanni: 1957-01-01
Connesso: 06/04/2021
It's always better to know the truth than to find out later I was believing a lie!
Prossimo livello: 
Punti necessari: 113


Regali: 1

Qualcosa su di me

Su di me
Full time nursing assistant
Being a friend to someone who needs a friend and wants to be my friend
Le cose che mi piacciono
If you're on my friends list, please keep in touch! Friends do this!
Le cose che non mi piacciono
Lies. A friend who never attempts to keep in touch! After some time, I remove the person from my friends list.
