
Relationship status: single
I want to play with: women, men
Looking for: friendship, entertainment
Zodiac sign: דגים
יום הולדת: 1982-03-09
הצטרף: 26/02/2022
Next level: 
Points needed: 125
Me, myself and I

Me, myself and I

נקודות: 12

Profile completion higher than 50% (assigned on first day of the month, only if player was active in games).

לפני 16 ימים
Me, myself and I

Me, myself and I

נקודות: 12

Profile completion higher than 50% (assigned on first day of the month, only if player was active in games).

לפני 46 ימים
Stone Combo

Stone Combo

נקודות: 10 בינגו

Hitting at least 11 (or 7 for Bingo90) consecutive numbers on single coupon.

לפני 74 ימים
Me, myself and I

Me, myself and I

נקודות: 15

Profile completion higher than 50% (assigned on first day of the month, only if player was active in games).

לפני 77 ימים
Me, myself and I

Me, myself and I

נקודות: 8

Profile completion higher than 50% (assigned on first day of the month, only if player was active in games).

לפני 107 ימים


Chief status awarded

לפני 138 ימים
Me, myself and I

Me, myself and I

נקודות: 8

Profile completion higher than 50% (assigned on first day of the month, only if player was active in games).

לפני 138 ימים
GameChips Activity

GameChips Activity

נקודות: 14

GameChips Activity.

לפני 154 ימים
Me, myself and I

Me, myself and I

נקודות: 8

Profile completion higher than 50% (assigned on first day of the month, only if player was active in games).

לפני 169 ימים
Me, myself and I

Me, myself and I

נקודות: 8

Profile completion higher than 50% (assigned on first day of the month, only if player was active in games).

לפני 199 ימים