O Rei suave
Fazer Bingo em todos os padrões de cupons possíveis (apenas para Bingo 75).
Dr Full House
Hitting one line, two lines and full house in the same game for the first time
Dr Full House
Hitting one line, two lines and full house in the same game 10th time.
Won 5 games within 24 hours (in Bingo 90 only hitting a 'full house' counts as a won game).
Combinação perfeita
Hitting Bingo, when all the numbers match the pattern on the coupon (Bingo 75 only).
Having at least one coupon with 0 numbers hit, in a single game for the first time.
Having at least one coupon with 0 numbers hit, in a single game for the 10th time.
Having at least one coupon with 0 numbers hit, in a single game for the 50th time.
Stone Combo
Hitting at least 11 (or 7 for Bingo90) consecutive numbers on single coupon.
Combo de ferro
Hitting 5 consecutive numbers on single coupon in the same horizontal line.
Maximum Break
Maior pontuação possível (break máximo - 147) no snooker.
O Ambicioso na sinuca
O jogador ganhou 100 pontos no ranking do torneio de sinuca em um mês.
O Ambicioso na sinuca
O jogador ganhou 500 pontos no ranking do torneio de sinuca em um mês.
O Ambicioso na sinuca
Player earned 1500 billiard tournament ranking points during one month.