
Adăugat: 28.11.2013
It doesn't matter who's in front. What's important is who's beside you.
Puncte44mai mult
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Puncte necesare: 156
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Golden Reels Casino Slots

Golden Reels Casino Slots

Puncte de experiențăCâștiguri totale
2 bil266666500
High 5!
High 5!
Space Academy
Space Academy
Graduation day


Cadouri: 4


Ceva despre persoana mea

Despre mine
Simply Just Me. No Baggage, No Hang Ups. What you see is what you get. Love my dog. He really is my best mate.
Interesat/ă de
Swimming, Reading to increase my knowledge base; Long trips on my motorcycle. Women, and what makes them tick. Always remains a mystery to me. Such wonderful, interesting creatures.
Filmele favorite
Field of Dreams. Thelma and Louise. A Few Good Men. Love Demi Moore!
Muzica favorita
Two types. Both Country and Western.
Cărţile favorite
History and Biography.
Lucruri care-mi plac
Beautiful Women and Sparkling Personalities. Both together are simply unbeatable.
Lucruri care nu-mi plac
False People. Inflated Egos. Both together are simply unbearable.
