Melanie M 7

Adăugat: 10.08.2014
To my friends : My other screen name is mybubble feel free to add me : I'm here to meet friends not to join drama. Smile :)
Puncte135mai mult
Nivelul următor: 
Puncte necesare: 65
Ultimul joc jucat

Activitatea de joc:

Golden Reels Casino Slots

Golden Reels Casino Slots

Puncte de experiențăCâștiguri totale
High 5!
Space Academy
Space Academy
Lucky one
Lucky one


Cadouri: 15


Ceva despre persoana mea

Despre mine
I work and run a kennel dogs and cats and design specialty cakes on the side
Interesat/ă de
baking / gardening/ hanging out in the sun / crafts / playing online games / quiet times/trying new foods
Filmele favorite
horror / . mystery / .action / detective shows / criminal minds
Muzica favorita
Lucruri care-mi plac
REAL people / animals / food / wine / a good parking spot / sunshine / daisies / sense of humors / windchimes / smiles / candles / outdoors / simple things in life / Cheetos/beach/ watching kites flying in the sky
Lucruri care nu-mi plac
cheaters / bullies / fake people / pineapple upside down cake
