
Adăugat: 06.01.2013
Puncte43mai mult
Nivelul următor: 
Puncte necesare: 157


Cadouri: 11


Ceva despre persoana mea

Despre mine
I am from a small town. I have tree dogs i like taking them for ride in the car. me and my husband have to together since 1994 married in 2004. We love to go for ride in the car and just have fun.
Interesat/ă de
i love the outdoors, camping,
Filmele favorite
breaking dawn
Muzica favorita
i like just about anything
Cărţile favorite
v.c. Andrew & Stephen king
Lucruri care-mi plac
crafts, playing with our dogs, camping
Lucruri care nu-mi plac
the cold & rain days
