
Adăugat: 02.10.2017
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Ultimul joc jucat
Poker Texas Hold'em

Poker Texas Hold'em

Poker Texas Hold'em
2 ani 250 zile în urma

Activitatea de joc:

Poker Texas Hold'em

Poker Texas Hold'em

Joc CompletCredite Câştigate
True Blue
Deep Purple
Suveranitate răscumpărată
Blue T-shirt
Bright T-shirt

Ceva despre persoana mea

Despre mine
Interesat/ă de
a confident independent woman :)
a confident independent woman who plays poker :):):):):);)
Muzica favorita
Van Hagar
Lucruri care-mi plac
hot/ice coffee or cold beer, sushi/sashimi, simulating chat at a bonfire on the beach with good friends or that special someone, vacation with the locals (in the streets) not in the tourist part of the city

an athletic cut tailored black suit/black button down silk shirt/chucks
a hole ridden t-shirt/old worn jeans/ol skool adidas
a hoodie/sweats/flip flops
shirtless/baggy cargos or board shorts/cruiser bike
gurls in gameday Vikes purple war paint n gear
a confident independent woman
Lucruri care nu-mi plac
drama, warm beer, chat going nowhere, da bears, cheeseheads, lions

Ultimele vizite

Număr total de vizite: 2393
14 zile în urmă
73 zile în urmă
74 zile în urmă
