prihlásili ste sa: 10.12.2014
Bodov1 165viac
Next level: 
Points needed: 1 835
Last game
Loyal Player

Loyal Player

Bodov: 1000

Profile registered and active for 10 years:

11 dni pred
Me, myself and I

Me, myself and I

Bodov: 17

Profile completion higher than 50% (assigned on first day of the month, only if player was active in games).

19 dni pred
Me, myself and I

Me, myself and I

Bodov: 17

Profile completion higher than 50% (assigned on first day of the month, only if player was active in games).

49 dni pred
Me, myself and I

Me, myself and I

Bodov: 17

Profile completion higher than 50% (assigned on first day of the month, only if player was active in games).

80 dni pred


Uninterrupted series of 10 wins while holding AA

83 dni pred
Me, myself and I

Me, myself and I

Bodov: 17

Profile completion higher than 50% (assigned on first day of the month, only if player was active in games).

110 dni pred
Me, myself and I

Me, myself and I

Bodov: 17

Profile completion higher than 50% (assigned on first day of the month, only if player was active in games).

141 dni pred
Me, myself and I

Me, myself and I

Bodov: 17

Profile completion higher than 50% (assigned on first day of the month, only if player was active in games).

172 dni pred